Vertigo is a type of dizziness. It is the type of disease where a person is standing still but feels that the things around him are spinning.  Sometimes such symptom it is very rarely noticed and other times it is severely affecting everyday activities of the person. Taking proper vertigo treatment will be helpful in this case.

Types of Vertigo

Peripheral Vertigo is linked to the inner ear. The brain receives the messages from the labyrinth of the inner ear that has tiny organs in response to gravity. Due to this, the brain knows when there is movement from the vertical position. So when people stand up, they can keep the balance.

Central Vertigo is related to the problems of the central nervous system. You may notice a disturbance in any one of the following, the brainstem and the cerebellum. A person’s perception of vision and balance is dealt with by these parts of the brain.


The symptoms include a sense of spinning, tilting, feeling unbalanced, vomiting, headache, sweating, ringing in the ears, loss of hearing, etc. The symptoms duration varies from a few minutes to a few hours and may come and go frequently.

Vertigo Treatment Types

In Vertigo treatment, importance is given to the cause of the disease. In some cases, Vertigo can go on its own. As the brain can adapt to the inner ear changes depending on other mechanisms that are required to maintain the balance. In other cases, treatment is required. This can include the following treatments.

  • Vestibular Rehabilitation– This is the type of physical therapy that helps to strengthen the vestibular system. Its function is to send signals about head and body movements to the brain relative to gravity. Vestibular Rehabilitations can be recommended if there are repeated vertigo bouts. In this process, the other senses of the person are trained to compensate for vertigo.
  • Canalith Repositioning Maneuvers– In this treatment head and body movements are recommended. Due to these movements, the calcium deposits move out of the canal into the chamber of the inner ear to get absorbed by the body. These movements should be done under the guidance of a doctor or a physical therapist to get the desired results. It has been effective on many patients.
  • Medicines– If there are symptoms like nausea, motion sickness, vomiting due to vertigo, then medicines are prescribed. Antibiotics are given by doctors if vertigo is caused by infection. In Meniere’s disease, diuretics, commonly known as water pills, are given to patients that help to reduce the pressure from the fluid buildup.
  • Surgery– If there is a more severe problem like a tumor or injury to the brain or neck, then surgery is recommended in Vertigo treatment.

Thus, there are different types of treatment.  But it would be beneficial for a person to take proper self-care by doing exercises, yoga, following a diet, and walking daily. It will fasten the vertigo treatment.

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